Taste of Del Mar

Taste of Del Mar
September 6, 2018 | Del Mar Village
From 5:30-8:30pm, the quaint seaside village of Del Mar celebrates the culinary flavors and local libations that make the Del Mar Village so unique. Attendees are invited to savor tastes from more than 25 local and award-winning restaurants as well as sips from more than 15 craft brewers, local vintners, and makers of distilled spirits, all while enjoying live music throughout the village. Participating restaurants include L’Auberge Del Mar, Pacifica Del Mar, Viewpoint Brewing Co., Jake’s Del Mar, and many more. Attendees can cast their vote for their favorite tastes and sips at the Ranch & Coast booth and enter to win fabulous prizes. Tickets are $35 for Taste only; $45 for Taste & Sip. visitdelmarvillage.com/tasteofdelmar2018
