Perfect Foods Bar: A Family Affair

Perfect Foods Bar: A Family Affair
San Diego-based Perfect Foods Bar is a small, family-owned and operated company that is committed to providing health-conscious consumers with the highest-quality, best-tasting real food available. The late nutritionist Bud Keith was a health food industry pioneer, who, together with his wife Barbara, was intent on ensuring that their kids got all their necessary vitamins. After mixing 100 percent whole food supplements into a combination of organic peanut butter and honey, Bud tasted it and proclaimed, “It’s Perfect.” Today, the company is helmed by their children, who hand-make each and every bar. Perfect Foods Bars are available in five delicious flavors – Peanut Butter (yum!), Fruit & Nut, Almond Butter, Carob Chip, and Cranberry Crunch. Packed with 18 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber, they keep you satisfied and are gluten-free, soy-free, and contain no refined sugar. Available at Whole Foods and Henry’s Markets locally, or order online. 866.628.8548 Mia Stefanko
