Tsavos Canine Rehabilitation And Fitness Center Grand Re-Opening Celebration

Founded in 2006, Tsavo’s Canine Rehabilitation and Fitness Center will host a grand re-opening celebration on Saturday, January 7, from 10am-1pm, at its expanded facility located at 2120 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Suite 120 in Del Mar. The new 1,300-square-foot state-of-the-art facility will include a variety of services including hydrotherapy, grooming, and a fitness club in addition to its cutting-edge Pulsed Light Signal (PLS) and Cold Laser Therapy (LLLT). The event is free and open to the public to attend and will offer food and beverages as well as an opportunity to enter a drawing to win one of three pet-oriented prizes: a full year of dog rehabilitation services; five free dog swimming lessons, and one month of rehabilitation services to three dogs from one rescue organization.
According to owner Maja Wichtowski, RVT, CCRT, “We thought this event would be a great way to start the New Year where community members could gather together for some fun prizes and take a tour of our new facility. We’re wholeheartedly dedicated to pet care and keeping up to date on industry knowledge to better serve our customers. Whether a pet requires hands-on therapy, is an athlete who needs to improve or maintain strength and stamina, or is overweight and simply needs to get in better shape, we have the expertise to keep a pet happy and healthy.”
As a state registered veterinary technician, Wichtowski has over 18 years of extensive experience in all fields of western veterinary medicine (oncology, orthopedics, internal medicine, dentistry, emergency/critical care, general practice, and canine rehabilitation). After attending the Canine Rehabilitation Institute in Florida, she spent two years gaining valuable experience in the rehabilitation field, and preparing to open her own rehabilitation practice. Since it opened, Tsavo’s Canine Rehabilitation Center has successfully treated over 450 patients. (619/846-9531, www.tsavoscaninerehab.com)