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The Cambridge School

Cambridge School

The Cambridge School

Founded in 2006, The Cambridge School is both classical and Christian, seeking to emphasize the truth of God’s revelation, the tradition of the great thoughts of civilization, and the skills needed to be lifetime learners, thinkers, and leaders. Our goal is to cultivate wisdom and virtue in our students so that they may love that which is worth loving and go forth to act upon what they know and love.

The classical method was born in ancient Greece and Rome, used throughout the Western world by the 16th century, and remained the norm until at least 1850. The reason for its widespread use? It works. The time-honored teaching method employed at Cambridge, the Trivium, imparts the basic tools of learning to the student. Becoming educated in any subject involves knowing its basic facts and principles (grammar), ordering and analyzing relationships concerning these facts (logic), and communicating conclusions in a clear, persuasive, and winsome manner (rhetoric).

By focusing on the way children learn best at each stage of life and building on the foundation of previous stages, this three-phase model is very effective.

Applications are currently being accepted for pre-K through sixth grade. One grade will be added
each year up to 12th grade. 858.484.3488, cambridgeclassical.org

Cambridge School
Cambridge School


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