Title sponsors included Hoehn Motors, Linda Bernstein and Jordan Beal of Compass, and The Morrison Foerster Foundation in partnership with The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe and Ranch & Coast Magazine...
Taste of Rancho Santa Fe featured fine wines, beverages, and small bites from local restaurants...
Taste of Rancho Santa Fe 2019 The Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club presented the seventh annual Taste of Rancho Santa Fe. With BMW as the title sponsor, the event took place at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe and treated attendees to a wide array of offerings from area wineries, breweries, and restaurants. This year’s…
Taste of Rancho Santa Fe October 7, 2018 | The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe This event has Sold Out The sixth annual Taste of Rancho Santa Fe will raise proceeds to support 13 local nonprofits: the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Foundation, ConnectMed International, Future Legends, Cancer Angels of San Diego, JC Cooley Foundation, Kids…
Taste of Rancho Santa Fe 2017 Posted on December 6, 2017 Hosted by the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Foundation, which is the charity arm of the local Rotary club, the 2017 Taste of Rancho Santa Fe at The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe benefited ten local nonprofits: Cancer Angels of San Diego, Eric Paredes Save…