Darwin Days
’Tis the year of Charles Darwin, so two venerable institutions are celebrating the life of the biologist. San Diego State University Library has mounted several exhibits in his honor, noting his 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Of course, Darwin’s revolutionary theories forever altered the worldwide scientific community. The exhibits may be viewed in the Donor Hall and in Special Collections. (619/594-6791, http://infodome.sdsu.edu)
Then, on November 7, the San Diego Natural History Museum (SDNHM) will also open an exhibition devoted to Darwin. By the way, while at SDNHM, take a look at Dinosaurs Alive 3D, which premieres October 5 on a 56-foot screen in the new Dolby 3D theater. This 300-seat theater will feature the latest in digital 3D technology, making SDNHM the largest 3D museum theater in California. (619/232-3821, www.sdnhm.org) DARLENE G. DAVIES