The Lucky Duck Foundation hosts its inaugural Showcase Soirée
The event featured a game show, comedy show by actor and comedian Steve Hytner, musical performance by the Dizzy Biz Band, and an appearance by former NFL and Chargers coach Norv Turner...
The Lucky Duck Foundation hosted its inaugural Showcase Soirée, raising more than $2.5 million to help alleviate the suffering of homelessness and committing an equivalent amount to critically-needed homelessness efforts including shelters, job training and employment opportunities, programs to aid youth and seniors, food and water, and more. The event was hosted by Peter Jacobsen, a professional golfer and commentator on the Golf Channel and NBC. It featured a game show, comedy show by actor and comedian Steve Hytner, musical performance by the Dizzy Biz Band, and an appearance by former NFL and Chargers coach Norv Turner, along with dinner, a live auction, and paddle raise. David and Vala Lueth matched all donations during the paddle raise up to $250,000, and Lucky Duck Foundation co-founders Pat and Stephanie Kilkenny matched all donations up to $1.5 million.