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La Jolla Music Society’s annual WinterFest Gala takes place in spring

In addition to a performance by Grammy award-winning artists Steep Canyon Rangers, the evening also featured dinner, Americana-inspired cocktails, and a brief live auction

Sheryl Scarano and Susan Hoehn
Image Credits Bob Stefanko

La Jolla Music Society’s annual WinterFest Gala, originally scheduled for January 2021, moved to the spring with the guidance and support of gala chair Sheryl Scarano. In addition to a performance by Grammy award-winning artists Steep Canyon Rangers, the evening also featured dinner, Americana-inspired cocktails, and a brief live auction. Proceeds benefited the education, outreach, and artistic programs of La Jolla Music Society, which contributes to San Diego’s cultural vitality year-round through a rich variety of presentations, including classical, jazz, contemporary music, and dance.


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