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Concierge Personal Training

Concierge Personal Training

Concierge Personal Training

Helmed by Richard Torregrossa, Concierge Personal Training is an elite in-home service that provides personal coaching in a variety of disciplines that include slow, high-resistance strength training, nutrition, self-defense, yoga, meditation, and even guided hikes. After recovering from two back-to-back cancer surgeries, Torregrossa found it difficult to get into shape using traditional methods, but then he discovered The SMaRT System, created in 1973 by noted exercise physiologist Dr. Vincent Bocchicchio, which he describes as a “clinically proven program that is ultimately the most efficient and safest method for building muscle, and achieving weight loss and all around vitality.” Torregrossa not only lost the weight he had gained, but his fitness, health, and mood also improved. “The results were so dramatic that my friends and family asked me to train them. I obtained certification in The SMaRT System, and the referrals from my friends and families grew into a thriving personal training service.” 917.533.5815, richt1@mindspring.com

Concierge Personal Training
Richard Torregrossa



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