Women in Blue

The San Diego Police Foundation will convene regional business and community leaders to elevate awareness of the importance of increased gender diversity in policing.
At “HERstory,” the 13th annual Women in Blue luncheon, Assistant Chief Sandra Albrektsen will be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her contributions to the Women in Blue initiative and 40 years of service to the San Diego Police Department. “Since the inception of the Women in Blue initiative, SDPD has increased the number of females sworn to nearly 17 percent and, as a result, exceeds the national average of 12 percent. Yet, more effort and awareness are needed to achieve gender parity as police departments operate best when they reflect the communities they serve,” says Sara Napoli, President and CEO of the San Diego Police Foundation. Proceeds from the luncheon propel the mission of the SDPF, which includes support for SDPD’s peer mentoring program, the Women’s Leadership Conference, efforts to recruit more females to the ranks of SDPD, and scholarships to empower rising female officers and inspire the next generation of women in blue