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San Diego International Jewish Film Festival

Remembering Gene Wilder
Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center
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Image Credits Photo courtesy of the San Diego International Jewish Film Festival

The 34th Annual San Diego International Jewish Film Festival showcases a selection of the best contemporary Jewish films.

Thirty-four feature films and 28 short films will be screened, with both in-person showings at the David & Dorothea Garfield Theatre, and virtual film screenings available on demand February 11-18. All the films were carefully selected to represent the Jewish experience, including highlights such as Left Alone Rhapsody – The Musical Memoir of Pianist John Bayless, Remembering Gene Wilder, and The Catskills. The 2024 Film Selection Committee includes Christina Fink as chair, Joyce Axelrod as founding chair, and Francine Ginsburg and Helen Fleming as past chairs, as well as Herb Adelman, Judith Friedel, Michele Kipnis, Leslie Oster, Saundra Saperstein, Sarah Scott, Sandra Silverstein, Sandy Sherman, and Sheryl Nissen. Tickets are $18 per program and $15 for JCC members.